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Justice Leauge Snyder Cut Review

Slightly better than the original but too long to digest

Before moving on (much like Warner Brothers should do in regards to the DCEU), let me start by saying I have by no means been looking forward to this rerelease, so if you have, you might not like what I have to say, so do with that what you will. With that disclaimer out of the way, I will dive into why I was so against this and how even with adding some cool new aspects, this film still just didn't deliver, and the unnecessary added hype and pressure by Snyder only made matters worse. So come along with me on my first review where I will simply just trash all over a film and its director with very few good things to say.

This film had no right to be made. If it had just been a simple rerelease directors' cut, I would not have had that big of a problem with it. That was not the case, however. I would not have been made if a new version with deleted scenes was released, but this became something bigger, which is disgusting to me. One of the biggest lessons the younger generation learned, unfortunately out of 2020, is that you will get what you want in the end if you make enough noise. Zack Snyder is one of the teachers of that very lesson. He complained and got

enough people to care about, then fully abused his power. Once Warner Brothers gave the clear, instead of simply getting the cut scenes he had mentioned in his initial complaints, he writes new scenes. That was the most annoying thing throughout this process, hearing something new was being added everyday.

This whole predicament abundantly clears up why Warner Brothers' approach towards their DC films fail. They can't just leave well enough alone. Instead of just letting the awful taste of Justice League leave our mouths, they shoved a slightly better but longer version in our face. They should know better. Not every movie you put out will be a hit, and no matter how much you wish that it had succeeded, don't dwell on it. Especially in the case of a shared universe type franchise, you move forward. Don't look back because, as the Snyder cut has now proved, it pushes back against any momentum you had built up to this point. However, there were things in this film like the added Flash elements, and Martian Manhunter and the apocalyptic ragtag team of characters at the end are things that excite me for the future of the DCEU. Ultimately though, that excitement only frustrates me because who knows what becomes canon in this movie that should have never been made.

The fact that it was able to excite me whatsoever was an achievement in itself and made it slightly better than the original. That's not saying much, though, and if Snyder cared about making this film better, he should not

have made it even longer as the main complaint of the original by the majority is that it was too long. The only

reason I watched it in one sitting was that I wanted to get it over with so I could write a review. If you're going to watch this for leisure, though, I would recommend watching it in the span of two days as one sitting took almost a whole day. The film is separated into seven parts, so my recommendation would be to watch the first three have made it even longer as the main complaint of the original by the majority is that it was too long. The only reason I watched it in one sitting was that I wanted to get it over with so I could write a review. If you're going to watch this for leisure, though, I would recommend watching it in the span of two days as one sitting took almost a whole day. The film is separated into seven parts, so my recommendation would be to watch the first three my other reviews on the website as a gave Wonder Woman 84 a high rating even though there is a lot of hate out there for that film.


Free-Lance Writer for the #WeeklyReplay! Follow me: Instagram | Twitter

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